
As an avid collector of Memorabilia, you know how hard it is to keep track of new items that are listed on eBay. Is the item fair priced? Can I buy it before someone else does? What was sold in the past and for how much? With the help of Memorabilix you should be able to find answers to all these questions. We track all kinds of items: Balls, Bats, Hats or Helmets, Photos, Jerseys, Magazines, Trading Cards or Postcards - and much more. Everything is organized by topic: Athletes from all kind of sports, Celebrities like Movie Stars or Musicians and VIPs like Politicians or Scientists.

We keep track of what's selling on eBay and sort it by names - If someone signs an item and it's being sold on eBay, we track it for you. Registered users can set up alerts, not only for items from specific people but even on what kind of item - a picture, a ball or a jersey - and for all alerts you can set up a maximum price that you're willing to pay. If a new item is listed, we'll send you an email and you can check if it's worth buying. Just look for the little bell symbol next to the headlines to set up alerts. Best of all: This Service is completely free!

Recent Additions:

23/04/2024: Jon Rahm in the "Sports, Golf" category. Kid Rock in the "Music" category. Anquan Boldin in the "Sports, American Football" category. Bruce Hornsby in the "Music" category. Budd Schulberg in the "Celebrities" category. Anna Chancellor in the "Movies" category. Niclas Alexandersson in the "Sports, Football" category. Stephen Glass in the "Sports, Football" category. John Peters in the "Celebrities" category. Martina Cole in the "Celebrities" category.
19/04/2024: Geoff Boycott in the "Sports, Cricket" category. Mark Dodson in the "Movies" category. Stanley Donwood in the "Celebrities" category. Terrell Davis in the "Sports, American Football" category. Yotam Ottolenghi in the "Celebrities" category. Dave Gibbons in the "Celebrities" category. Mark Benson in the "Sports, Cricket" category. Kenneth Haigh in the "Movies" category. Storm Thorgerson in the "Celebrities" category. Taryn Terrell in the "Sports, Wrestling" category. William Henry in the "Celebrities" category. Sarah Palin in the "Movies" category.
16/04/2024: Jonathan Obika in the "Sports, Football" category. Raphael Guerreiro in the "Sports, Football" category. Bobby McDonald in the "Sports, Football" category. Fernanda Marlowe in the "Television" category. Keira Walsh in the "Sports, Football" category. Nick Drake in the "Celebrities" category. Andruw Jones in the "Sports, Baseball" category. Ivor Cutler in the "Celebrities" category.